Digital library of Greek and Latin texts, morphological tools, virtual
tours of the classical world, and more. Absolutely the best website
for primary sources from the classical world.
Happened across an inscription or another slice of Latin you'd like to
decipher? This online dictionary will help you translate even the most
obscure forms.
The National Latin Exam is taken once a year by many high school Latin
students. In fact, more than 100,000 Latin students across the
U.S.A. and
many other countries, including Australia, Belgium, Canada, England,
Japan, New Zealand, the Republic of Niger, Switzerland, and Zimbabwe,
the National Latin Exam every year. It's also a great way to see how
Latin you already know or remember, and quiz your knowledge of
mythology, history, etc. Try the Introduction to Latin
Test, or the Latin I
Lingua Latina per se Illustrata, Hans H. Ørberg
(ISBN: 1585102016)
This unassuming gem provides an excellent grounding in Latin language
and Roman culture. The text, written entirely in Latin, is designed
for you to demonstrate comprehension in Latin (translation is
optional). Vocabulary is introduced in a memorable context or via a
clear, iconic image.
Wheelock's Latin Grammar, Wheelock and Lafleur (ISBN:
Probably the most widely used first-year Latin text, and with good
It's a 40-chapter cornucopia of readings and exercises, many culled
ancient authors. Starts easy, and is well-paced, but doesn't cover the
subjunctive until very late in the book. Longer excerpts from
texts and optional self-tutorial exercises (and answers) in the
back. The
accompanying workbook can also be a helpful motivator.
Latin Grammar, Moreland and Fleischer (ISBN:
Often used in intensive summer immersion programs, pace is more
rigorous than Wheelock's, more
thorough grammar coverage
and drills, though the examples can be a bit plonking. A more serious
and deliberate approach, it covers a few uses of the subjunctive and
some other tough cookies early on. Low on cultural context, high on
systematic presentation of grammar.
Thirty-Eight Latin Stories, Groton and May (ISBN:
Fun stories, half a page each, good for sight translations. Designed
to accompany Wheelock's Latin
but also useful on its own.
New Latin Grammar, Bennett (ISBN: 0865162611)
A very clear, user-friendly Latin grammar, often used in second year
college courses. First published in 1894, but still fresh as a daisy.
New Latin Grammar, Allen and Greenough (ISBN: 0486448061)
The classic authoritative Latin grammar, often required in advanced
courses. Comprehensive coverage for that obscure grammatical quandary
that's been keeping you up at night. Gerund or gerundive?
Recommended Greek Textbooks
Athenaze, Balme and Lawall (ISBN: 0195149564)
Reading approach. Each chapter begins with a new installment in the
story of Dikaiopolis, an Athenian farmer, and his family. Woven in are
stories from myth (Theseus and the Minotaur), literature (Odysseus and
the Cyclops) and history (the battle of Thermopylae). New grammar is
first encountered in context; exposition of the grammar and a variety
of drills and exercises follow. Includes brief cultural background
readings in English, and lots of useful maps. Engaging, evenly paced,
and thorough.
An Introduction to Greek, Crosby and Schaeffer (ISBN:
Grammar-first approach. Succinct and charming. Written for
early-twentieth-century schoolboys. Wide variety of lightly adapted
readings from primary texts, both poetry and prose. Well-organized
grammar at the back will continue to be your reference of first resort
long after you have finished the introductory course.
Selections from Homer's Iliad, Pharr (ISBN:
Read the father of Western literature in the original. Takes you
through the entire first book of the Iliad, starting with around 5
per lesson and working up to 10-20 lines. If you want to start with
rather than Attic Greek, this is the text to use. It also works as an
introduction to Homer after a standard Attic course. Extensive notes,
historical and cultural background, short Homeric grammar, and
Selections from Herodotus, Barbour (ISBN: 0806114274)
Read the chatty, colorful father of history in the original. Notes and
vocabulary at the back.
Intermediate Greek-English Lexicon, Liddell and Scott
(ISBN: 0199102066)
Covers the major dialects and irregular forms, cites occurrences, and
tells you how particular authors use particular words. Indispensable!
Greek Grammar, Smyth (ISBN: 0674362500)
From the Editor's Preface: "Its merits are obvious: Smyth's is by far
most complete reference grammar of ancient Greek to appear in
English." 784
pages, over 3000 grammatical topics.